(309) 589-1880
If you are seeing any of our specialists, your visit will be different from most doctor visits. Your eyes need to be dilated with stronger eye drops that might not have been used previously for a complete examination. The pupil is like a window to the retina, and needs to be opened with drops so that the retina can be examined in detail. Dilating your pupils makes your eyes more light sensitive and it’s not recommended to drive for several hours afterwards.
Dilating your eyes, along with several tests performed in the office to fully evaluate your condition takes time. Many retinal conditions are extremely complex and require thorough evaluation before an optimum treatment can be recommended. We try to complete as much evaluation and diagnostic testing on the first visit as possible. In many cases, treatment such as laser or injection of medications into the eye is also started on the first visit.
We encourage you to bring a family member during the visit. We try our best to be on schedule, but emergencies do happen and patients with more serious conditions are given a priority, as in an ER. Please be assured that we will do our best to minimize your stay.
Please print and fill out the forms listed below and bring them to the office along with your insurance card(s) at the time of your first visit. Double click on the image next to the name of the form. Your browser should be able to open it in a separate window. From there, you can print the form and fill it out.
Please provide your medical doctor’s name, address and phone number in the Medical History Questionnaire form. We would like to inform your medical doctor regarding your ophthalmic condition and treatment being done. We also like to coordinate your care with your primary eye care provider, if you have one. Please provide the name and phone number of your pharmacy. In most cases, a prescription for medications is electronically sent to your pharmacy.